Monday, February 28, 2011

Benzene is the Best

Benzene has many common uses today.  Benzene is mainly used as an intermediate to make other chemicals.  Benzene is used to make some types of rubbers, lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs, explosives, and pesticides.  These are all common items that may make tasks easier for people.  They are all useful items and the world would certainly be changed without them.  All these items exist because of benzene.  Everyone needs benzene, it will make your life easier!!

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Intermolecular Forces

There is one intermolecular force that occurs in this molecule.

London Dispersion Force- A force of attraction between two molecules that form temporary dipoles which are caused by the movement of electrons around two atoms in a bond.

Polarity and Nature of Bonds

Benzene is a non-polar molecule.  This is because there is an even distribution of electrons throughout the molecule.

Nature of Bonds:
C-C  2.5-2.5=0 (2.5 is the electronegativity value of carbon)
This is a absolutley covalent bond because the difference is 0.

H-C  2.5-2.2= 0.3 (this is the difference between the electronegativity values)
This is a very covalent bond because the difference is 0.3.

3D Diagram of Benzene

Here is a 3D picture of Benzene.  The arrows are there to indicate which atom is more electronegative.  It goes from lower electronegativity to higher electronegativity.

Dark Gray, red C- Carbon atom
White, blue H- Hydrogen atom
Yellow arrow indicates electronegativity

Dash Model

Here is a dash model of the molecule Benzene, C6H6.


The solid lines between the elements represent bonds.  There are dotted lines between the carbons because there are alternating double carbon bonds.

About Benzene

Benzene is an organic chemical compound.  Its molecular formula is C6H6.  Benzene is a colorless and sweet-smelling liquid.  It is also highly flammable.  Benzene is a known carcinogen, which means  it is a substance that causes cancer.  It is a natural constituent of crude oil and may be synthesized from other compounds present in petroleum.  Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon.  Its structure contains a continuous pi bond. 

Properties of Benzene:

Molecular formula
Molar mass
78.11 g/mol
Colorless liquid
0.8765 g/cm3
Melting point
5.5oC, 279 K, 42oF
Boiling point
80.1oC, 353 K, 176oF
Solubility in water
1.8 g/L (15oC)